directory Light the Lamp - a Columbus Blue Jackets blog: Get a load of this..

Countdown to Rick Nash's contract expiration:

-2405 Days, -15 Hours, -48 Minutes, and -16 Seconds

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Get a load of this..

I was reading over on HF that apparently Colin Campbell -- you know the NHL VP of Ops in charge of the multiple "war room" Columbus screw jobs - is upset that Columbus is not sending Mason to the Young Stars game.

Apparenlty earlier today on Toronto Radio 590 in reaction to the announcement that Mason will miss the Young Stars game, Campbell said that the rule is that if a player plays the game before the All Star game then he must play in the actual All Star game. However there are no such rules for the Young Stars game.

He then added the Young Stars game rules will be changed to match those of the All Star game and that he was not happy with Columbus.

This is a great move for Columbus as the playoffs are the goal here and not some hokey Young Stars game that means squat. We need to keep Mase as fresh as possible for the stretch run.

As for Campbell's comments...well....karma, ain't it a bitch?!



roadman said...

Well if we were getting any calls before out of the "War Room" we sure as he** won't be getting any now. But we've known we are on our own for some time so... Dig In, Fix Bayonets, however you want it.


Rick said...

Colin Campbell is such a tool. "Care for some cheese to go with that whine, Colin?" The last time I heard whining like that, my kids were still in diapers.

To me, it's as simple as this:

Colin "I'm not happy with Columbus".

Columbus "We're not happy with you".

Quid Pro Quo... in other words, Boo Hoo!!!

chunx said...

Colin Campbell < TITS ON A BOAR

roadman said...

If they really wanted Mason, why didn't they name him to the All-Star game? No, he's a rookie. No, he's from Columbus. No, He's not gonna play.

hockey9 said...

Within the rules. Not a thing Campbell can do about it. Awesome call from the top. Go Jackets !!

Anonymous said...

What's he going to do - - - turn the war room against us?

He disliked us before, and he can continue to dislike us.

jemhuff said...

What are the consequences if a player plays the last game before the all-star game and decides not to play in the all-star game (other than injury)?

Unknown said...

Colin: Tough titties. Get over yourself. I've said this many times before: Piss on Colin Campbell!

Mase1 said...

Boy, if that doesn't show his disdain for the CBJ, I don't know what does. Talk about showing your cards.

Like I've said, if this idiot and this league aren't the most backwoods league/people running the league - the CBJ might as well be a non-Don King promoted fighter, going against a Don King promoted fighter, in a Don King promoted fight (hope that make sense - translated: SLEEZY!)

Mase1 said...

LTL: Karma's a bitch, and so is Colin Campbell (he's definitely the original six's and the more established team's - i.e. first expansion's - bitch).

Gee, I thought he a Hitch were tight (from what I read). If I were Hitch, I'd look for new friends, rather than this A-Hole.

Anonymous said...

Colin Cancer, maybe?

Robert J. Summers said...

I don't know, I think the Moreau may pull a third period rally and score a hatrick. The BJs could be in trouble here.

Though the Oilers goalie is looking pretty shaky tonight.

Dutchman1350 said...

If the war-room wasn't a bunch of dolts, Steve Mason, and the CBJ's record would have them in the top 8. Steve Mason would also be on the All-star team, not the rookie team.

Colin - go choke on a canadian bacon sandwich.