Thursday, October 1, 2009

Get your butts out there and buy a Dispatch today!!

The guys at the Dispatch have done it again with a kick ass Jackets preview section in today's Dispatch!!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we are very lucky to get this kind of coverage from our local paper. Look around the other US cities that have NHL squads and you will be very hard pressed to find anything close to what we receive.

Who cares if the Dispatch owns part of the team...! It's one of the small competitive advantages we have.

Love it! Embrace it! Support it!!!

I'm one fan who is grateful and for that reason and many more I encourage all Jacket fans to get out there and pickup a Dispatch or two today to show your support for this coverage.

The traditional print media isn't what it used to be so every lit bit helps. Trust me when I say that if this coverage ever were to cease we'd be sobbing in a corner with Cinderella's "Don't know what you got til it's gone" strumming in the background!

Okay.. a little over the top but you get me!




  1. Yeah I need to get out and get me this one. Read it all online, but I need to help these guys out. Hell of a job done by the Dispatch.

  2. They even managed a few stories in the Sports section to boot!

    I can't wait for the angry OSU football letter writing campaign to start. I feel a little empty not knowing what Pryor had for breakfast this morning.

  3. The Dispatch does a great job not only on these special sections (for the Buckeyes, too, OSU fans) but also the daily news articles. Then we have the online stuff like Puck-rakes, the Chat, Cannon Fodder (say, what ever happened to that podcast anyway), etc. Portz and Reed are also responsive to occasional emails, then there is Twitter. LTL, you are absolutely correct that we here in CBJ land get awesome converage by the D-patch and its crack hockey reporters. Dare I say we might even be getting a bit spoiled.

  4. Anybody going out to the Zoo tonight?

  5. Mary - not gonna be able to make that one.

    Is that thing open to the public or just season tix holder?


  6. Bought 4 Dispatches today! Go Jackets and Dispatch! Event tonight is season tix holder only
