Monday, October 12, 2009

Curse of Backman/Practice Lines

Anton Stralman is changing his number from #5 to #6 because he does not want to be associated with Christian Backman. Alright, Im just kidding but Stralman really is changing his number. So when you're at the game tomorrow night vs Calgary, that isn't the ghost of Ron Hainsey, just Stralman in a new number.

These were your practice lines from this morning. 20-16-61; 18-50-93; 12/25-26-15; 28/14-17-40. D-pairs are: 3-10; 51-5; 8-36.

Go Jackets!


  1. I just hope Stralman has a "stripper hot" wife like Hainsey, right, LTL? (lol)

    D@mn, she was fine...

  2. I think she is with Avery now.... lol

  3. Holy S$%^

    If you want to see some bad goaltending... tune into Versus...

    The BlackHawks are down 5-0... barely halfway through the first !!!

    Huet and Niemi are looking really sharp...

  4. Hahaha Hainsey's ghost. I'm glad Strahlman's changing... That number needs to die for a couple seasons...
