Monday, August 31, 2009

Columbus and Sryacuse to swap rosters next year?

Blog-rakers has just reported some breaking news!!

In a shocking announcement at his most recent press conference, Scott Howson announced that Columbus and Syracuse would swap rosters for the upcoming season.

Howson, citing the claims of several outraged Syracuse Fans both online and on the streets as his reason for the swap.

"For far too long, I left Syracuse drifting in the wind without quality players. What better way to give Syracuse a competitive squad than to give them a team that made the NHL playoffs last season? I think fans of departed Dan Smith will quickly forget when he is replaced by Jan Hejda."

Outraged reactions have struck Columbus after Howson's announcement, but the General Manager has simply said, "This is a matter of fairness. I will not budge in this decision. Something has to be done after Syracuse missed the playoffs ONE season in a row. Giving them a roster filled by guys such as Rick Nash, Steve Mason, and Derick Brassard will reverse this terrible, terrible trend for sure."

Get this and more from Matt-lund over at blog-rakers!

..and don't forget to read Crunch fans reactions to this announcement over at Lindsey Kramer's blog which can be found here.



  1. Slow day over there at blog-rakers?

  2. Be sure to check out his additions to Mrs. Howson's guide to Columbus.

    Funny stuff.


  3. Always appreciate the love, LTL!

  4. I love it!! I for one am REAL tired of the Cuse fans not knowing their place in the food chain. Love your team...but understand that the parent club will come first...ALWAYS in ANY sport!!
