Sunday, May 17, 2009

Revisiting game 4

For those who check HF regularly you've probably seen this.. .but for thost that don't here is a clip of game 4 off of youtube...

Can't wait to do it all over again!



  1. wow... i just got the chills, and got a bit teary-eyed. How did the Nat not explode after all that noise and energy.

    I haven't seen arenas that loud when teams win the Stanley Cup, and we only tied up the game while still being down 0-3 in the series. What wonderful fans and what a wonderful team.

    Where is september? I miss you CBJ...

  2. any chance FSN will replay the game? I'd love to see it on TV as I was at the game...

  3. ah thats my video im glad i put it up on youtube!

  4. that was a wonderful game cant wait till September

  5. Great vid TSS! ...and a BIG shout out to you for posting it on u-tube!

