Sunday, April 12, 2009

Need a date?

Just grabbed these playoff dates from a poster on HF. They are apparently from a press release that will be hitting the wire soon:

@ Detroit
Game 1 Thursday 4/16 7:00 p.m.
Game 2 Saturday 4/18 6:00 p.m.
Game 5 Saturday 4/25 6:00 p.m.
Game 7 Wednesday 4/29 TBA

@ Columbus
Game 3 Tuesday 4/21 7:00 p.m.
Game 4 Thursday 4/23 7:00 p.m.
Game 6 Monday 4/27 TBA

Must be nice to have not one, but two home Saturday games. Then again it's an easy travel day!



  1. Damn it. There will be absolutely no schoolwork getting done on my behalf. And I was hoping this would be a "rebound quarter". Sigh. Now, if only I had 7 CBJ shirts... I think I've only got 5 that can be worn... I'll be rocking a shirt every day of the week.... Go Jackets

  2. Wife and I will be at Game 2, as there is this little problem called work. ;-)

    Jackets in 6!

  3. SUNDAY games! At least we've got that going for us...

  4. I will be at every home and road game. Im sure Detroit will welcome me with open arms ;)

  5. Matt,

    Is this THE masked Jason from the games? Were you sitting be the robed commodore against minnesota?

  6. The Jacket Backers have an opportunity for discounted group tickets for games 1 and 2 in Detroit.

    $60 tickets for $45 each - no ticketmaster fees. We need at least 20 people to get the discount.

    Check for details.

  7. Oh man... $45?! I might have to think about that one...

  8. Just got my tickets for thursday's game in Detroit!

    Section 128 row 6 seats 9 thru 12. We have another 4 in seame section row 8.

    Anyone else sitting in or around this section, would love to have some Blue Jersey company around us?!

  9. Hey Tim,

    I'm not too far away. I'll be in section 121 row 6 with two other buddies.

