Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dispatch delivers again!

If you haven't gotten a copy of the Columbus Dispatch today drop what your doing right now and go grab one.

The coverage is unbelievable... seriously... playoff hockey coverage in the US just got "Mased" by the Dispatch today!

Check out the cover of their special playoff pull out:

How about this entire page with a pic of Nash?

Then we have the Jacket Backers' Brian & Julie representing on the front page with some quotes from them and from the original BHG:

..and there are tons and tons more -- I really like the article with quotes from some of the players who were on the original squad.

Honestly we are very lucky to have this kind of coverage and every paper we buy helps them to continue to provide it.

Just a tremendous job Dispatch!! Thank you!!



  1. I hate not living in Columbus. I'm missing everything. :(

  2. Time to pack your bags and head on home! :)

