Friday, March 20, 2009

Tootoo gets wrecked

In case you missed it:

Remember when Tootoo was celebrating after he fought Jan Hejda last season like he won the heavy weight title? Where is the celebrating and post fight antics now Jordan?

Best comment I've read about this fight:

"I thought Staubitz was trying to start a lawnmower".



  1. Made my day when I watched this earlier today...his nose laying over sideways blood spattered on front of his sweater...I just can't find any sympathy for the little shite

  2. I hate that little C**ksucker!!!

  3. wow - that was one of the most thorough beating of a fist by a face i've seen in a while - NICE!

  4. Can't stand that dirty prick. Nice job Staubitz!
