Friday, March 13, 2009

He's done it again

Just wanted to send out a quick shout of appreciation to Dru!

Once again I sit here in amazement with what he's done with this blog's title graphic.

Between he and Skraut the CBJ would have all they needed in terms of graphic and video design....hire these guys!

Anyhow... I love it man!! Thanks again!



  1. Another sweet product of the avatar king!

  2. That is some great work there. Sharp! It's like "Welcome to LTL, now in HD" LOL

  3. I love it...but Juice?????

    You gotta get Mase in there!

  4. I agree. Hire these guys.

  5. You gotta look beyond the obvious...

  6. I'm with Steve on this one... the banner is great, but #20 isn't a franchise face like Nasher, or even Mason (if the official CBJ website can put Mase up as the splash screen, I think "franchise player" is a safe tag).

    Great banner, would be fantastic with Cap'n Cbus :)

  7. Awesome graphic, LTL!!!! I am artistically challenged, hence the lack of a graphic banner on my blog. Maybe you can loan these guys to me, eh?


    A Shot From The Point
