Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dispatch ups Jackets coverage yet again

Just a quickie -- but the Dispatch continues to produce some of the best hockey coverage in the United States.

They have just rolled out a dedicated Blue Jackets page called Blue Jackets Xtra. Check it out here.

Some of the other media outlets in this city should take notice.

Well done!!



  1. There will soon be one more media outlet taking note of the Jackets, and that will be www.indiecolumbus.com. I'll be doing the writing for the Jackets, at least once a week, and trying to entice the young, artistic, indie crowd to the NHL. Once the site launches and the bugs are out I'll make sure to point people towards more detailed info, starting with LTL!

  2. Puck-Rakers is reporting there is going to be a new Intro song this season. The players will decide what that song will be.

  3. The new page is very nice. Also, news that Machinehead will no longer cause 18,000 migraine headaches when the boys take the ice is the best news I've heard in a long time.
