Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blue Jackets Crowd Chants

Lets have some fun today.

The time has come to re-energize this arena experience. This post is dedicated to helping that cause.

I have posted a gadget on this blog that references this post for all to see in terms of specific Nationwide Arena Columbus Blue Jackets crowd chats.

This is a living breathing thing and if there are some good suggestions made I will add it to this list and perhaps the die hards that visit this blog can create some more unique chants specific only to Columbus Blue Jackets games.

As you can see our list is pretty pathetic at this point -- so any and all ideas are welcome and we'll see if any catch on -- just post a comment as to your idea and we'll go from there.


Moment: Introduction of anthem singer Leo Welsh
Crowd Chant: Crowd yells "LEO!" after his introduction

Moment: Goal scored
Crowd Chant: ACDC "The bells about to rock...FIRE!!...we salute you!" -- crowd salutes. Crowd then chants "Hey....Hey....Hey" to Joe Satriani's crowd chant song.

Moment: Jackets score 3 goals
Crowd Chant: With ques from the center ice scoreboard the crowd chants "CHILI" (also known as "Chili Chant")

Moment: Opposing team takes a penalty
Crowd Chant: With ques from in-arena announcer crowd chants "JACKETS!....on theeeee powerplaaay!"....

Moment: One minute left in the period
Crowd Chant: Right after announcement crowd yells "and (insert opposition name ex. Detroit Red Wings) still sucks!"

Moment: Razzing opposition goalie - typically after the Jackets score on him
Crowd Chant: Crowd chants goalie name 3 times and then says "You suck!"... ex. "Ooooossgoood!......Ooooossssgood!......Ooooossssgoood!.....YOU SUCK!!!

Moment: Conclusion of the National Anthem
Crowd Chant: Crowd salutes


Moment: When each opposition starter is announced
Crowd Chant:
idea 1 - crowd chants "WHO CARES!"

idea 2 - Attack twice Crowd Chant: "WHO'S HE?" Defende twice Crowd Chant: "NOBODY!"

Moment: When stinger bangs the drum 3 times.
Crowd chant: C. B. J.

Moment: Jackets take a penalty
Crowd Chant: idea - right after in-arena announcer announces penalty crowd chants "FIX BAYONETS!" or something along those lines..

Moment: After Jared Boll fights
Crowd Chant: idea - crowd chants Boll-er! Boll-er! Boll-er!..etc..

Moment: Spectacular save (by Leclaire)
Crowd Chant: idea - crowd chants "Your a mean one Mr. Grinch!"

Moment: When Stinger plants the flag after a home victory
Crowd Chant: idea - crowd yells "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh" in anticipation and then "BOOM!" when flag is planted by Stinger

Moment: Anti Preds chants
Crowd Chant: idea - "Tootoo F-U!".... "Tootoo Boohoo!"...

Moment: Anti Wings chants
Crowd Chant: idea - "Osgood Nogood", to Wings fans in the arena - "Turncoats!"

Moment: Anti Avalanche chants
Crowd Chant: ideas - "Foote, kiss my Avs!"; "This Foote stinks!"

For me the key this season is the goal song and getting some crowd interaction with the cannon. We'll have to wait and see what the game ops folks come up with but there is loads of potential here to really make it a unique Blue Jackets goal celebration.

Again the ideas are just that and some definitely won't work....but hey if folks get excited about one I'll hammer on it in some home game previews and see if we can't get it going this season.

Fire away in the comments!



  1. Moment: When each opposition starter is announced
    Attack twice Crowd Chant: Who's he?
    Defende twice Crowd Chant: Nobody!

    Moment: Goal scored
    Sound effect: Rat-a-tat-tat from a drum.
    Crowd Chant: Hey
    Sound effect: Rat-a-tat-tat from a drum.
    Crowd Chant: Hey
    Sound effect: Rat-a-tat-tat from a drum.
    Crowd Chant: Hey.
    Sound effect: Cannon blast
    crowd Chant: We're going to beat the Puck out of you!

    Moment: After an opposition's power play ended.
    annoucement: oppsition name back to full strength.
    Crowd Chant: That's debateable!

  2. I have always liked Boom by POD or Let the Bodies hit the Floor for either an intro song or a goal song. Both would go well with the cannon.

  3. Anyway to work in Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture (obviously abbreviated to the finale)?

    The cannons still send shivers up & down my spine.

    Maybe this could accompany a video compilation of big hits & checks.

  4. Back when the Toledo Storm still played, there was one great crowd chant when the opposing starters were announced...

    Annc: "Starting at Center for Detroit, Number 13, Pavel Datsyuk."
    Crowd: "WHO CARES!"

  5. Like the suggestion from tough_waters: rat-a-tat-tat/hey...

    I bring my kids to the game. Can't we be more creative than "sucks" with some of the chants?

  6. I would absolutely LOVE to hear them incorporate Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture into the in-arena expereince somehow/someway.

    I hear you on the "sucks" anymous.. I've heard that mentioned before. I'm open to any and all suggestions.

    Shaggy's "who cares" is a pretty good suggestion.

    Tough_waters I love your suggestion on the opposition starter announcements as well... now how to get the crowd doing it!?!


  7. moment: when stinger bangs the drum 3 times.

    crowd chant: C B J

  8. Great idea on the C-B-J to drum beat.. adding now.


  9. you must hate crew games. sorry it is a sporting event, never been to one that there wasn't some team fan swearing going on.

    hockey games, football games and any sporting event that I have gone too is not where you bring your child to shield them from today's world.

    It is better that your child is learning these words in front of you instead of anything on TV, the playground, school or do you just completely shield them from society.

  10. I'm still going with a c b j chant around the arena...ala O H I O we need one more letter!

    we aren't in the "bible belt" we dont need to censor ourselves like they do in nashville


  11. Nashville has a crew up in the rafters which probably is one of the nastiest I ever dealt with. They can chant and demean with the best. No bible belt worries for them. The just tell you that you suck.

  12. How to get the crowd to do it?

    Print instruction on back of coupon and handout to crowd as they enter the building.

    Cost of printing cover by advertising, I think we could find people volunteers to hand this out at the LiveJournal "Blue Jacket" community or Official Blue Jackets forum.

    Maybe a letter to Mr. Hunter to go in paper.

  13. I went to a Blackhawks game at the United Center and the crowd cheers the whole time the singer is singing the national anthem. It is a huge rush for everyone involved.

  14. Actually, I went to a Tribe game a few years back, when the National Anthem played, all volunteers/employees/etc. stopped what they were doing at that moment until the Anthem finished. It will stay in my memory for a long time and wish other organizations would follow suit. BTW- I don't know if they still do that to this day @ the JAKE or not....

  15. Great chance to get creative with chants. A lot of times NHL teams are too general with things they do. I few I came up with are insipred by soccer.

    Moment: Opposing player introduced..

    Crowd: Who are YAH?

    Moment: Nash Score

    Crowd: To the tune of westminister chimes spell out R-I-C-K N-A-S-H

    General: Ken Hitchcock's Blue and Red Army! accompanied by 4 drum beats.

    I would be awesome to have something like a drum corps to play during the game and incorporate some sort of cadence along with it. But I'm probably getting too ahead of myself.

  16. We NEEEEEEEEEED a CBJ chant to go around the entire arena. It would be easy, loud, and effective. Two ideas on how to make it happen.

    #1, Entire lower bowl chants "C"
    Sections 201-219 chants "B"
    Sections 220-228 chants "J"
    (Sky Terrace included)

    #2 Divide arena into thirds
    East side fans staring at Center Ice chants "C"
    Fans behind both goals
    chants "B"
    West side fans staring at Center Ice chants J"

    Another real easy chant would be
    Blue............ Jackets......

    Just divide arena in half

    Both chants would really add to crowd atmosphere, make it happen

  17. moment: after opposition gets a penalty.
    as the player skates towards the sin bin once he gets the the blue line start yelling Oooooooooooo once he steps in the box yell see ya. ex: Ooooooooooooo see yeah!!

  18. this is hockey dont bring the kid if you dont want him to hear the world

  19. i think its time we pay tribute to mr mac with some post game chants.

    moment: right after murray has announced the final score (jackets win)

    option #1
    john mc-con-nell, clap, clap, clap clap clap

    option #2
    J H M, J H M!

    option #3
    Mister Mac, Mister Mac!
