Thursday, June 26, 2008

NHL Fan Faceoff needs you!

I just received another email from the NHL Fan Faceoff folks:

As you know, the NHL Fan Face Off Team is planning to send out a survey in the next week on NHL game attendance. Currently we do not have enough game attendees from your favorite NHL team in the panel.

We apologize for the frequency of emails on this subject, but we are asking one last time for your help to recruit fans from your favorite team to the NHL Fan Panel. All they have to do is visit and click on join to see if they qualify to be part of the NHL Fan Panel.

I know I'm comin off as a cheerleader here but these surveys don't take long at all so let your CBJ voice be heard folks!



  1. I've been a participant for last 2 years & it's good to know they are actually trying to be active in listening to their fans reactions & opinions. So what reward did you choose last year when they asked "What reward for participation would you find most to your liking? A)Team Merchandise B)regular game tickets C)Playoff series tickets D)NHL final game 7 tickets". I'm guessing you didn't win anything! I'm glad to participate for nothing but I'd sure love to see some playoff tickets in my mailbox!!!

  2. Haha. Yeah I don't think I even got asked that question!!

    If they did ask me I would like them to add option E) CBJ Playoff Game :)
