Friday, May 30, 2008

No big surprise here..

..but Atlanta's GM has pretty much come out and said they will be going defensemen with the #3 pick:

“We have two picks, so we feel that with the third pick, we can get a player that can be inserted into the lineup right away and that’s important for our team,’’ Waddell told “That pick will most likely be a young defenseman, which will be vital for our franchise.’’

Some have thought maybe Atlanta would go Filatov #3 to keep their franchise player and fellow Russian Ilya Kovalchuk happy but that does not appear to be the case.

The top 3 is pretty much locked in like this:

1. Stamkos
2. Doughty/Bogosian
3. Dougthy/Bogosian

That will leave Pietrangelo/Schenn/Filatov for the next 3 positions with an outside chance of Boedker or Wilson slipping in there.

Waddell also has some other interesting things to say in this article:

“What we’re really looking for at the Combine are red flags,’’ he said. “We know these players very well on the ice and want to get to know them off the ice. They’re all well-schooled in what to say, so I usually try and keep it very loose. In fact, my first question to them is, ‘What’s your wife’s name?’ I’ll usually get some weird looks, but it’s just to put them at ease. Every team handles the Combine differently, but we try and talk openly and want the guys to be themselves.’’

Waddell will never forget one interview he did a few years ago.

“I asked him if he liked to watch hockey games and he said, ‘No, not really.’ I then asked him why and he said, ‘Well, I really don’t like hockey.’ Then he tried to correct himself by saying, ‘But I like it only when I’m playing.’ Those things really stick with you, so you try and ask normal questions so this way you can get an honest response.’’

I'd love to hear which player said that las part about no watching hockey? If he even plays anymore that is.

Sorry for all the draft posts lately but what else is there to talk about :)


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