Thursday, April 10, 2008

By the numbers v1.0

As some of you have probably noticed (well hopefully someone noticed!) I have added a "Players Salary" page element to the blog. I will keep this updated throughout the offseason (what else do I have to do right? - damn you missing the playoffs!) as Howson and co. make player personal additions and subtractions. This list will only include 1-way contracts and players on their entry level deals that have or are expected to play the majority of their time with the big club.

Its not official or anything but the rumblings going around from the Dispatch and other sources is that the payroll is slotted to be right around the 47 mil dollar range - give or take - so as we move forward that is the number I will base the Jackets payroll target on. Hopefully its not wishful thinking and Mr. Mac opens the checkbook a bit this offseason.

So here is where the Jackets stand as of today April 10th, 2008:

Projected budget: 47 mil


Nash (6.5) XXX Modin (3.5)
XXX XXX Zherdev (3.25)
Chimera (1.875) XXX XXX
Murray (600k) Malhotra (1.5) Boll (570k)
extra: Novotny (800k) Brule (850k)


Klesla (1.65) XXX
Russell (575k) Tollefsen (750k)


Norrena (900k)

note: this is actual salary paid out not avg salary cap hit
note: all figures taken from &

Total: 23.235 mil (13 players)
Remaining: 23.765 mil
UFAs: Hainsey, Vyborny, Peca, Hejda, Tarnstrom, MacKenzie, Konopka
RFAs: Fritsche, Leclaire, Methot, Rome, Wilson, Picard, Lindstrom

As you can see there is a quite a bit of work to do. By my math Howson has 23.765 million to fill 9 spots including 3 top 6 forward positions, 3 defensemen and 1 goalie not including depth. If you were to take that 23.765 and divide it 9 ways that would give you 2.64 mil to spend per spot.

Now of course that is not how the money will be allocated and some of those positions could be filled via internal guys as its a damn near certainty Leclaire will get resigned for the #1 goalie for example.

...but where and does Fritsche fit in? Perhaps Aaron Rome fills a defensive gap. Does Brule or Novonty find a home on one of those lines? Maybe a Brassard or Voracek is ready or a guy in camp suprises ala Jared Boll last season.

Then again there is no guarantee the 13 guys that are signed now for next year will be back next season. Of course there are also trades and the UFA market to find players and if Howson really gets brave maybe he looks to RFA offer sheets (a route I'm complete against).

Either way look no further than this blog to keep you up to date on how this lineup is shaking out for next year both in terms of cost, player movement and where guys could slot in.

It will be called "By the numbers" and as major transactions occur this post and the page element on the side will be updated to reflect it.

Here's to a great offseason!

Go Howson!

(*prays* *crosses fingers and toes* *knocks on wood* *rubs lucky rabbits foot* *pretty please with sugar on top*....etc)


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