Monday, September 10, 2007

Dispatch CBJ beat writer Michael Arace turning over reigns to Aaron Portzline

Dispatch beat writer Michael Arace, who has covered the team since inception, has announced in his blog on that....well I'll just quote part of his piece and let him explain it:

What needs to be mentioned, though, is that my job description has changed. I’m now writing a couple of general sports columns every week, and working on more in-depth feature stories. Day-to-day Blue Jackets duties are now handled by Aaron Portzline, who has been on the beat with me since the beginning, and Tom Reed, a former Akron Beacon-Journal columnist, feature writer and Olympic reporter. These gentlemen bring a lot to the table professionally and will bring fresh angles to our coverage. They’re also hockey nuts.

Soon, they will be handling most of the Jackets-specific blogging, which is due to be expanded. The apparatus should be in place at at some point this week, before the players hit the ice for training camp. I’ll be around the team quite a bit and, as the season unfolds, many of my two-a-week commentaries will be devoted to team issues. I’ll be helping Tom and Aaron with the Jackets blog. Further, I’ll be starting another blog that is more of an “anything goes” space for my personal rants, mostly on sports.

So some good and bad news here. The bad is obviously it will be sad to Micheal Arace's coverage of the CBJ lessen as I think he's done an outstanding job covering this team, especially over the last year. The good is that he is turning over the reins to an invidual who has done an equally impressive job in Aaron Portzline. Time will tell how the new guy, Tom Reed, does but I'm sure he'll hit the ground running.

It also appears that the CBJ blog will also be expanding -- hey, the more coverage the better right?

So I wish Michael luck in his new role, which sounds kind of similar to what a Bob Hunter does, and look forward to his comments, rants and raves on the CBJ when warranted.

3 days til camp!


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